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"He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist."

San Francesco d’Assisi.

About the Artist...

Javier Astorga studied architecture at UIA (Universidad Iberoamericana) in Mexico
city, achieving the highest point average in his class.
He has developed sculpture over 30 years, achieving an important position in the
field of Latin-American international artists.
His work has been acquired by collectors in México and governments in different
countries around the world, such as Spain, France, Sweden, Norway, China, Korea,
United Arab Emirates, USA, Canada, Argentina, Bolivia, the Netherlands, Africa and
Brazil, among others.
He has attended to symposiums and produced public sculpture in several cities in China
since 2001.
In recent years he has developed public sculpture for Symposiums and public parks
in Mexico and other countries around the world.

Javier Astorga 2018 copia 2.JPG
At the table of Silence.Targojiu.Brancus
At the table of Silence. Targojiu. Brancusi`s home. Rumania 2014


polígono 3


Esquema de la cinta

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