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Wuhu 2024

Javier Astorga will produce his monumental Sculpture “Feed yourself with the Pulse of Nature” , for the International event: The 9th. Wuhu Liu Kaiqu Sculpture Exhibition, in southern China by the end of 2024.

The Sculpture will be made out of steel plates, welded, rusted, natural patination.  The size of the Sculpture will be (5.20 mt. long x 4.20 mt.high x 2.20 mt. deep ).

36 Artists worldwide were selected for this important Sculpture meeting.

Javier Astorga realizará su obra “Aliméntate con el pulso de la Naturaleza”, en el marco de la 9a. Exhibición internacional de Escultura Wuhu Liu Kaiqu, en la ciudad de Wuhu, Sur de China, que tendrá lugar el invierno de 2024.

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